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Tips for working or studying from home

1- Don't touch your phone 1st thing in the morning. We all know that if you grab your phone you'll never put it down and you will end up wasting an hour at least.

2- Don’t stay with your Pyjamas. If you want to be more productive while working or studying from home make it a must to change your sleeping clothes. When you wake up in the morning try to do your morning routines the same way you do when you want to go to work or to University. Get dressed, choose a comfortable outfit but choose clothes that you normally go out. This will put you into work time mindset.

3- Space affects your mentality so it's better not to work in the same space where you sleep. It's not necessary that you have to go to another room. I know that not everyone has a big house and students have their own modest Room in which they sleep, eat, study and work. What I mean by changing your sleep space is don't work from your bed try to work on a desk or on a table and put on stuff that will make your brain associated with work and get into work mode. It can be the same table where you eat, watch your favorite show while snacking and where you do everything else including work. Just clean it and put accessories that will help your mind to adjust work and remove everything else that can be a distraction to you.

4- Clean your space and clean your digitals,  clean your computer desktop. Remember A clean space means a clear mind.

 5- To-do list It can help you a lot to organize your thoughts and to spot tasks easily. When you write what you have to do down you give your brain more space to think of the important things and not just be confused and waste energy on remembering things instead of creating.  When you write your to-do list try to write the big titles than break them down into small tasks. One additional thing set an amount of time for each task in order to be well organized and more productive. This makes it really easy for you and saves you a lot of time and energy. Try to do it the night before to have a clear head and enjoy a good sleep without thinking about the thousands of things you have to do the next day.

6- Create rules for your workspace  For example, no phone in your workspace. I try to leave my phone far away From my workspace in order not to waste time and start scrolling and get distracted. Better to put it on do not disturb mode and if someone calls you 3 times arrow the mobile will ring, you get to know that it's an emergency and answer. The next one is don't open YouTube on your computer especially if you are working on it. We all know that you are going to end up wasting time on it. If you enjoy working with background music. I suggest creating a work playlist on your computer.

7- A productive break  We all know that we need breaks after long hours of working, but at the same time if you take a break and go watch something you might get lazy to go back to work again. Here’s a fact, changing tasks can be a good break for your brain. For example, if you are working on analyzing information or writing an essay and you feel tired. Take a break by changing the task, do something visual like working on a PowerPoint presentation or change the subject if you are a student. The idea is to make another part of your brain work. If your work is all on the computer and after long hours of sitting and staring at the screen, your back and eyes hurt and your brain is blocked.  In this case, try a 10 minutes physical break. If you want to be more productive in these 10 minutes. Do some cleaning or tidying, trust me you can do a lot in this short time. Just go around and pick up the odd items and put them back where they belong. Launch the laundry or organize your documents and books. Clean your desktop, make your work playlist music, do some quick dusting...or maybe cook yourself a healthy delicious meal. These kinds of breaks help you relax your brain and solve work problems that were stuck while you were sitting on your desk or get new inspiring ideas. Watch the video on Youtube:

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